Open Source

Auditing Reinvented

Fossity's Decentralized Open Source Auditing Platform offers efficient and confidential audits for M&A due diligence and product developers. The innovative decentralized approach provides scalability, reliability, and eliminates human error.

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Download the Probe

Fossity Probe is designed to be simple and straightforward to use. Just answer a few basic questions and let the tool extract fingerprints from your code, and Open Source dependencies.

Download Probe


Run the Probe

The Fossity Probe collects your audit samples and securely packs them in a .fossity file. Fossity is inherently confidential, as it operates on a Zero Trust principle that does not require the transfer of code or any sensitive information from the audited company.


Drop your .fossity file here

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Introducing Fossity

Fossity's Decentralized Open Source Auditing Platform offers efficient and confidential audits for M&A due diligence and product developers. The decentralized approach provides scalability, reliability, and eliminates human error. Fossity identifies risks and provides actionable insights.

The Fossity Probe is open source, ensuring transparency and a community-driven approach. Fossity is committed to effective due diligence and safety.


Confidential by definition

Fossity provides secure and confidential open source audits that don't require any sensitive information, making it a safe solution for decision-makers. Auditor are isolated from the audited code, company and product names or any sort of sensitive information. Fossity is confidential by definition.

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AI Assistance

Fossity auditors benefit from A.I. assistance which leads to higher accuracy, shorter lead times and lower costs.

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Open Source

Our open-source Fossity Probe allows for transparency and community-driven development, so that our users can trust in our platform's transparency and dedication to innovative solutions.

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The Fossity Probe in detail

Zero Trust and Confidentiality: How Fossity Probe Identifies Code Without Sharing It with Auditors

Download and launch the Fossity Probe

Download the probe

Fossity Probe is a cross-platform app that runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It is fully open source and designed to be simple and straightforward to use.

The Fossity Probe captures basic information and fingerprints from your code. These fingerprints provide auditors with the information they need to perform your audit, without requiring the transfer of any sensitive information from your code or company.

Download Available on Desktop

Also Available on

  • Linux icon
  • Apple icon MacOs
  • Apple icon MacOs M1/M2
  • Windows icon
  • Github icon

Easy to use and confidential by definition

Just answer a few basic questions and let the tool extract fingerprints from your code, and Open Source dependencies. The Fossity Probe operates on a zero-trust principle, which means that it does not require the transfer of any sensitive information from the audited code or company. This makes it inherently confidential and ensures that the code is never shared with auditors, providing peace of mind for companies that value security and confidentiality.

Open Source Auditing has never been easier

Collect your code fingerprints with one click and start the process.

Fossity probe app

Upload your .fossity file

Although the .fossity file doesn't contain any code or sensitive information, we take security seriously. Your file is uploaded to a secure location via an encrypted connection and is automatically discarded after use. We ensure the security of your data by using strong encryption, providing complete peace of mind for our customers.

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Great job, you're all set!

We will reach you soon. Get started on your software audit immediately by accepting our competitive quote – no further input necessary. If you choose to decline the offer or take no action within 48 hours, we automatically delete all information, leaving no trace of the quotation ever being generated.

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Contact us

Have a question or concern about our services? Our team is here to help. Please use the form below to send us a message, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.